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Attendance Matters

We expect all students to arrive on time and achieve at least the DfE minimum target of 97% attendance over the school year. 

Why is good attendance important?                                   
  • School work is easier to cope with                                      
  • Students feel more secure
  • Work is satisfying
  • Better results
  • Better job prospects
  • References
Rewards for good attendance
  • Certificates for 100% attendance
  • Entry in Record of Achievement
  • Letters/postcards home
  • End of year reward for outstanding attendance
What is meant by unauthorised absence?

Some absences are allowed by law. For example if a child is ill or there is a family crisis such as a funeral. However, there are times when pupils are absent which are not permitted. We need the help of parents to cut down this kind of absence

  • Looking after younger children or relatives
  • Going out to buy shoes
  • Sleeping in
  • Waiting in for the gas man or other tradesman

We realise that on some occasions there may be a particular problem that causes your child to be absent. Please let us know and we will deal with it sympathetically.

Maintaining Excellent Attendance

Leave of Absence in Term Time

There is a very clear link between a child’s attendance record and their success in learning. There is a clear link between attendance and attainment. 

Parents/carers do not have a legal right to take children out of school during term time. Each application is considered individually by the Headteacher. Permission for a leave of absence during term time must be requested 4 weeks in advance of the required date. 

Penalty Notice

Penalty Notices may be issued:

  • If Parents/Carers have not sought permission from the Headteacher before taking their child out of school for a leave of absence in term time
  • If the Headteacher has refused the request but the absence occurs anyway
  • If the pupil has not returned to school by the agreed date with no satisfactory explanation
  • Where the leave of absence has been recorded by the school as unauthorised in the attendance register on at least 10 sessions (5 school days) during the current term

Where Parents/Carers continue to take unauthorised leave of absences in term time, despite having previously been issued with a Penalty Notice, the local authority will consider a prosecution under the S 444 of the Education Act 1996. 

The penalty notice is £60, for each parent of each child, if paid within 21 days, and £120 if paid after this date but within 28 days. Non payment of a penalty notice will normally trigger a prosecution (under the provisions of section 444 of the Education Act 1996 or under the provisions of S103 (3) of the Education and Inspections Act 2006). The prosecution can only be for the original offence and NOT for the non-payment of the Penalty Notice.  Failure to pay the penalty notice could result in the local authority commencing legal proceedings against you for the offence of not ensuring your child's regular school attendance. If found guilty, you may be fined up to £1,000 and you will receive a criminal record. Please see our Attendance Policy for full details.

You also need to be aware that if your child fails to return to school following 20 days of absence he/she is at risk of losing their school place. 

If you still feel that you wish to apply to take your child out of school during term time due to exceptional circumstances, please request a ‘Leave of Absence Request Form’ from your child’s Community Progress Leader or download the form below. The form should be received by the Head of School 4 weeks in advance of the proposed date.

For further information please read our Attendance Policy available in our Policies and Documents Section.